Deliciously Filtered
Experience the Benefits: Our American made filtered water bottle guarantees pure, crisp flavor by removing impurities, contaminants, and chlorine, ensuring delightful hydration wherever you go. Stay confidently hydrated, nourishing your body with clean, delicious water and savoring every sip for an exquisite taste that enhances your well-being.
Experience Transformation: Consistently consuming 64 ounces (8 glasses) of delicious filtered water from your bottle yields a multitude of positive effects. Optimal hydration enhances every body system, aids digestion, promotes nutrient absorption, and supports regular bowel movements. Your skin radiates with improved elasticity and reduced dryness, while water regulates body temperature, nourishes joints, and lubricates vital organs. Stay energized, mentally sharp, and refreshed as filtered water alleviates fatigue, boosts cognitive function, and enhances focus. Elevate your drinking experience with the refreshing taste of filtered water, making it effortless and enjoyable to maintain proper hydration levels all day
"I live in NYC where the tap water is pretty good but I can taste even more of a difference with this filter!" - Gina
"The Epic water filter makes my Faucet Mineral Filled Water TASTE GREAT! With the Epic Water Filter I am able to drink the required Amount of Water with Ease!" - Kerri