Worst Bottled Water

   Worst Bottled Water To Drink


Water is essential to life. Many of us, particularly in developed countries, are fortunate to have access to clean drinking water, often through the convenience of bottled water. However, is bottled water really as pure as we think? 

Recent research has thrown this assumption into question, unveiling unsettling facts about synthetic polymer contamination in bottled water. A groundbreaking study titled "Synthetic Polymer Contamination in Bottled Water" delves into this issue, revealing an alarming presence of microscopic plastic particles in bottled water. The research and its findings may surprise you, if not lead you to reconsider your drink of choice.

Synthetic polymers, more commonly known as plastics, have infiltrated almost every aspect of our lives. These versatile materials, however, are not without their drawbacks. An unfortunate consequence of their ubiquity is their steady, often unnoticed, contribution to environmental pollution. One particularly disturbing manifestation of this problem is the contamination of our drinking water.

Microplastics, tiny fragments of plastic less than 5 millimeters in length, are one type of synthetic polymer contaminant. Due to their minuscule size, these particles can evade conventional filtration systems, resulting in contamination of both tap and bottled water. However, the "Synthetic Polymer Contamination in Bottled Water" study discovered that bottled water contains nearly twice as many microplastic particles as tap water.

worst bottled water in the us

The study analyzed various popular brands of bottled water from several countries, including Aquafina, Dasani, Evian, Nestle Pure, San Pellegrino and Gerolsteiner from the United States. They discovered a worrying prevalence of microplastic contamination. On average, the bottled water tested contained 325 microplastic particles per liter. This finding is quite shocking, given that most consumers purchase bottled water under the impression of its superior purity compared to tap water. 

Various types of plastic were found within the bottled water samples, including polypropylene, used to make bottle caps, and polyethylene terephthalate, the plastic typically used for the bottles themselves. This points to the likelihood of the contamination stemming from the bottling process and packaging.


The Worst Bottled Water: The possible health impacts associated with consuming microplastics through bottled water remain a topic of ongoing research, and our current understanding is far from complete. Microplastics, despite their diminutive size, are potentially significant carriers of toxins that could compromise human health in multiple ways. These tiny fragments of plastic can absorb and carry an array of harmful substances, such as industrial chemicals and pesticides, that they encounter in the environment. Once ingested, there is concern that these toxins could leach out of the plastic particles and into the body, potentially leading to a range of health issues. 

The specific types of harm that these toxins could cause to human health may vary widely, ranging from direct physical damage to more subtle, long-term effects. One significant area of concern is the potential for these toxins to disrupt hormonal balance within the human body. Many chemicals that adhere to plastics, such as certain pesticides and industrial by-products, are known endocrine disruptors. This means that they have the potential to interfere with our endocrine system, which regulates a host of critical bodily functions, including metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, and mood. 

A disruption in this delicate system could have far-reaching implications for health, potentially increasing the risk of various chronic diseases and health conditions. Aside from carrying toxins, there is also concern about the physical effects of the plastic particles themselves. For instance, could these particles cause inflammation or damage in the tissues of the digestive tract? Could they pass through the gut wall and enter other parts of the body? The answers to these questions are still largely unknown, and rigorous, long-term studies are required to shed light on these potential risks.



Even as we await more definitive answers from the scientific community, one thing is clear: the very fact that our bottled water – a product often marketed for its purity – contains plastic at all is deeply troubling. This is not a minor issue to be overlooked, but rather a serious public health concern that deserves immediate attention and action from both consumers and regulatory authorities. 

The presence of plastic in our bottled water reflects the broader, global problem of plastic pollution, and it signals the urgent need for us to rethink our reliance on this material. It's a stark reminder that our choices – from what we buy, to how we dispose of our waste – can have far-reaching implications for our health and the health of our planet.

The findings of the "Synthetic Polymer Contamination in Bottled Water" study call for increased scrutiny of the bottled water industry and greater transparency about the purity of the products being sold. We should push for more rigorous testing standards for bottled water, which surprisingly are often less strict than those for tap water. Moreover, the findings underscore the urgent need for sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics. 

This study serves as a stark reminder that plastic pollution is a pervasive issue with far-reaching implications, even infiltrating the very water we drink. It underscores the urgent need for us to rethink our reliance on plastics, particularly single-use plastics like water bottles. While we continue to learn more about the health implications of microplastic ingestion, one thing is clear: it's time to reconsider our choices, for the sake of our health and the planet.

best bottled water to drink

Determining the "best" type of bottled water to drink can be a complex process, influenced by factors such as sourcing, processing, packaging, and personal preference. While there might not be a universally agreed-upon "best" bottled water, some types of packaging may offer superior qualities in terms of maintaining the purity of the water, especially when considering the potential contamination risks posed by certain materials. Consider, for instance, bottled water packaged in glass bottles. Glass, a material known for its inert properties, is less likely to interact with the water it holds. 

This makes it an advantageous choice compared to type 1 PET plastic, which has been associated with contamination concerns. These concerns stem from the potential leaching of chemicals from the plastic into the water, especially under certain conditions such as high heat. The use of glass bottles, therefore, could provide an extra layer of protection against such contamination, preserving the purity and quality of the water inside. An alternative to both glass and plastic is aluminum cans. Aluminum cans, like glass, offer certain benefits over single-use plastic bottles. The interior of these cans is typically lined with a protective layer to prevent the aluminum from coming into contact with the water. This protective layer could also be an issue. 


This feature could make aluminum-canned water a better option than single-use plastic bottled water in terms of preserving water purity. However, when comparing aluminum cans to glass bottles, the latter may still hold an edge. Glass is an entirely non-reactive material that doesn't require additional lining to keep the water safe from contamination. Moreover, glass bottles are often reusable, which gives them an additional advantage from an environmental perspective. In conclusion, while there may not be a definitive ranking for the "best" bottled water, considering the packaging material is crucial. Glass bottles appear to offer a superior option due to their inert nature and reusability, potentially outpacing both type 1 PET plastic and aluminum cans in terms of preserving water purity and minimizing contamination risks.



For maintaining adequate hydration and optimizing your budget, a filtered water bottle could be a game changer. A portable, reusable filtered water bottle can be a consistent reminder to drink more water throughout the day. Whether you're navigating a busy workday, managing day-to-day errands, or pushing yourself in a vigorous gym session, a water bottle at your side simplifies the process of satisfying your hydration needs when they arise. 

Moreover, opting for a reusable filtered water bottle significantly cuts down on the usage of single-use plastic bottles, contributing positively to environmental conservation and waste reduction.  By choosing to refill your bottle with filtered water, you're promoting not only your personal health, but also advocating for a more sustainable world. 

At Epic, our mission is to guarantee access to superior drinking water, no matter where your day takes you. Our filtered water bottles, proudly made in America, are engineered to provide delicious, contaminant-free water each time you leave your house. We recognize the crucial role that clean, pure water plays in your overall health and wellness. Our cutting-edge filtration technology targets and removes impurities, such as chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides, and other potentially harmful substances. This ensures that every sip you take delivers a clean, refreshing, and pollutant-free hydration experience.


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Pure Pitcher

Filtered Water Bottles

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